Knowing Where to Start Can be Tough

For small business owners and entrepreneurs, there is a lot of information available when you're starting out and knowing which marketing programs are going to work best for you can be hard to navigate. In effort to grow as quickly as possible, business owners end up trying any and every tactic they come across but may not see the results they're looking for. I call this the spaghetti method: throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping it sticks. This ends up wasting money, time and energy.

I believe the secret to effective marketing is not a secret at all, it's about anchoring your tactics in a strategic vision based on audience behavior. I also believe not every business is in a place to spend $1,500+ on a marketing strategy that someone else builds. So I have created a Course to help meet business owners where they are in their growth journey, drawing on 16 years as a marketing professional and a former Marketing Instructor, as well as degrees from Georgetown University & The Wharton School.

The Strategy Lab is on-demand so you can build and learn on your schedule. You can work through each step of building your strategy and have access to me along the way.

You Gain:

-Access to me through WhatsApp

-Three Coaching Sessions

-60% Discount on two additional Coaching sessions

What We Cover

Did you know research shows only about 15% of people complete courses they purchase? To help you avoid being part of the 85%, I've designed this course with neuroscience in mind.

Understanding Opportunity

The first section of this course explores how to best approach researching your industry and competitors to uncover the opportunities to stand out.


The second section of this course dives into who your target customer is, their motivations, channels and journey.

Channel Strategy

In the third section of this course, we'll turn our insights into a marketing ecosystem that connects and converts by outlining your channel strategies, marketing budget and tactical timeline.

This course is closed for enrollment.